

1.尖点、利边(陶瓷废料,飞料残留)伤手:Sharp point/edge

2.昆虫、霉菌或物质引起的感染、疾病或污染的风险:Insect, mold or substance causing risk of infection, sickness or contamination Critica

3.功能不良或者漏水:Poor function of stopper

4.产品有色差或者变色:Product with colour variation

5.配件错误(如果有配件):Product with wrong component

6.抛光不良、边缘粗糙(主要发生在口部,底部):Poor polishing / rough surface on rim

7.外套不良或者盖子不合适(组合类):Poor fitting of stopper and cap

8.变形:Deformed shape

9.橡胶圈或者密封圈丢失(一般底部都会有防滑垫,):Missing rubber / silicon sealing

10.生锈或者腐(法郎,景泰蓝类会有发生):Rust / corrosion

11.瓶内有很大刺鼻的味道:Strong odd smell inside the flask

12.底座摇动(变形,放不稳,或者底部垫子不好):Wobble base

13.底座冲压缺失或者不清楚(一般对有logo,或者印章类):Missing / unclear legal base stamping

14.漏丝印,贴花,移印或者印刷不良:Missing / poor Screen printing, Decals, Printing,

15.印刷不良或者划伤:Poor printing on body / scratch

16.毛边,飞边,看到但不明显并且不伤手:Flash mark

17.黑点:black spot

18.裂缝(碰破,碰裂,碰伤) :flaw, cracking

19.漏白:vacant spot

20.漏银粉(杯口): leskage of silver line at the cup edge

21.针孔: pinhole


23.色差:different colors


25.色脏:stain on surface

26.打磨陋底:rough bottom

27.釉泡:tiny air bubble in glaze, glaze bubble

28.爆花(断花):decal broken

29.缺釉:vacant spot in glaze


31.釉面不平:rough glaze

32.杯口不平:rough in cup mouth, not smooth in cup mouth

33.裂釉:glaze cracking

34.挂釉:superfluous glaze, excess glaze

35.花纸歪斜:decal is not upright

36.盖子不严:lids not matching well

37.歪把:handle is not upright

38.毛刺:rough surface

39.模线明显:mould line on xxx is too obvious

40.粘接不良:sticking not good enough

41.胶水印:trails of gluewater




45.无(漏)填色:no color in

46.粘釉:glaze sticking

47.托底:center curvature

48.薄釉:thin glaze

49.裂把:handle cracking

50.磕碰:chip, knocking

51.窑灰:kiln dust

52.画功马虎: hand paint not good

53.花纸氧化: decal oxidation

54.底印烤焦: backstamp overburned

55.断线(手绘不完全): hand paint incomplete

56.上色不均: color uneven

57.嘴耳把歪 指嘴、耳把高低不适,歪斜不正:Distortion of handle and spout

58.疙瘩 釉下坯体凸起的瘤状实心体:blo sting

59.坯泡 釉下坯体凸起的空心泡:Blister

60.泥渣 尚未除净的泥屑、釉渣残留于坯上造成的缺陷:Body refuse

61.缺泥 坯体残缺现象:Breaching of body

62.水泡边 制品口部边沿出现的一连串小泡:Small bubble at rim

63.坯爆 坯体人窑前水分控制不当,烧成时引起的局部剥落:Body peel off

64.熔洞易熔物在烧成过程中熔融而产生的孔洞:Fusion hole

65.斑点制品表面呈现的有色污点,又称铁点:Specks or iron spots

66.毛孔 釉面呈现的小孔(或称捺眼、猪毛孔、针眼):Pin-hole

67.落渣 制品釉面粘有匣钵糠灰等渣校:Dropping grog

68.底沿粘渣 制品底脚边缘粘有细小渣粒:Stuck on bottom rim

69.针点 支承体留在制品上的痕迹:Pin mark

70.枯疤 烧成时坯飞与外物枯接形成的残缺:Stuck sear

71.火刺 由火焰中飞灰造成的黄揭色粗糙面:Flashing

72.压釉:坯体接头凹下处细条状缺釉:Glaze-lacking at joint


74.桔釉 釉面类似桔皮状:Orange一peel glaze

75.泥釉缕 坯体,釉面局部凸起的缕伏现象:Thread-like surface flaws

76.彩色不正 同一花纹色彩浓淡不匀或由于欠火而产生不光亮的现象:Dull colour

77. 画线缺陷 用线条装饰的线和边的缺陷:Banding defects

78.画面缺陷 画面残缺和色泽不正的现象:Decoration defects

79.烤花粘釉 烤花过程中制品釉面粘上的有色污点及釉面损伤:Sticking stain of decoration- firing

80.嘴耳把接头泥色差 指嘴、耳把接头泥的色泽与产品本身的色泽不一致:Color inhomogeneous of sticking一up slip

81.蓝金 由于金层过薄而形成的发蓝现象:Purple gold

82.烟熏 制品局部或全部呈现灰黑、揭色现象:Smoked

83.阴黄 制品局部或全部发黄:Yellowing of glaze

84.釉面擦伤 制品釉面出现条痕和局部失光的现象:Scrub mark on glaze

85.磕碰 制品局部被冲击或残映(或称硬伤):Chip

86.滚迹 在滚压或刀压成型中产生的弧线状很迹:Roller mark

87.波浪纹 制品釉面高低不平呈现的波浪纹样:Ripple glaze


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