

Defect description
Material Defects   Chinese Name
Missed button  欠钮
Broken button 烂钮
Insecure button stitching 纽扣车线不牢
Wrong button 错钮
Omitted button hole 欠钮门
Incomplete stitching 车缝不全
Uncut button hole  钮门未开
Unaligned button&button hole 钮与钮门位置不相对
Misplaced button&button hole 钮与钮门错位
Button stitch not properly locked  钮线打结不良
Uneven sleeve length  袖长不对称
Notches exposed atsleeve slit 袖叉定位口外露
Wrong attach of sleeve lining 袖里不对
Uneven cuff width 袖口宽不对称
Uneven cuff height  袖口长不对称
Excess gatherings atyoke seam 担干多余褶位
Unmatched seams atarmhole 袖窿缝不对称
Improper gatherings at sleeve cap 袖山打褶不对称
Deformed shape 变形
Unaligned front pockets (Hi-Low pocket) 高低袋
Slanted pocket 袋斜
Excess tightness of pocket 袋口太紧
Excess fullness  of pocket 袋口太松
Pocket cloth not smooth when bar tacking 袋布打枣口不平顺
Twisted pocket cloth 袋布扭曲
Poorly shaped pocket 袋形不好
Poorly shaped pocket corner 袋角形不好
Misplaced pocket position 袋位不正
Incorrect pocket position 错袋位
Exposing pocket corner 袋角外露
Incorrect position of pocket flap 袋盖位不对
Torn at ribbing 烂罗纹
Holes at ribbing 罗纹破洞
Little recovery or no elasticity at ribbing 罗纹弹性不好
Uneven hem 下摆不对称
Twisted hem 下摆扭曲
Wavy hem 下摆起波浪
Uneven waistband (Hi-Low waistband) 高低腰带
Poor waistband finishing 腰带成形不良
Waistband stitching Broken when stretched 腰带拉伸后断线
Little recovery or no elasticity at waistband 腰带无弹性
Twisted leg 扭脚
Uneven leg 长短脚
Side seam turned wrongly 侧缝方向错
Irregular hem wi dth 脚口宽不对称
Missed embroidery 欠绣花
Misplaced embroidery 绣花错位
Broken embroidery stitches 断绣线
Incorrect embroidery stitch denstiy 绣线密度不对
Uneven embroidery stitching 绣线不均
Colour off shade or not as specified 绣线脱色
Wrong embroidery 错绣花
Missed label 欠商标
Missed hangtag 欠挂牌
Wrong label 错商标
Wrong hangtag 错挂牌
Label insecurely stitched 商标车缝不牢
Label folded by stitching 商标车折
Part of label sewn inside seam(invisible) 商标部分被车入缝
Label sewn inverted(Label up-side-down) 商标颠倒
Label sewn reversed(Label up-side-down) 商标车反
Scratches 挂花
Poor plating 电镀不良
Sharp points 利点
Sharp edges 利边
Rust 生锈
Wrong accessories 错附件
Colour discharged 脱色
Malfunction of zipper 拉链失灵
Zipper slider running not smoothly 拉链不顺畅
Missed zipper teeth 拉链掉齿
Missed zipper puller 掉拉链头
Wavy zipper 拉链起波
Poor setting of zipper 拉链安装不良

Zipper tape too close to fly seam affecting

zip function

Detached snap 按钮掉
Detached rivet 铆钉掉
Detached stud 按钮掉
Snap too tight to close or open 按钮开关太紧
Snap too loose to close or open 按钮开关太松
Fabric torn around snaps 按钮位置布烂
Missed shoulder pads 欠肩衬
Misplaced shoulder pads 肩衬错位
Mispaced velcro tapes 魔术带错位
Missed velcro tapes 欠魔术带




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